Thursday, August 1, 2013

Where have I been? one guess...

I haven't written in over a year...why you ask?

That handsome monster right there...Funny, loving, sweet, yet so high needs, non sleeper, picky eater, moody and all over the place little man.  After my first I thought blogging would be a fun way to share info to women and show a side to midwives most people don't see.  ie I am not a hippie, on a farm delivering babies in a barn...well some people would call me a hippie...and I do want to live on a farm and raise/grow my own food...humm...not helping my case...but I digress.  So I shared some info about crazy things like cloth pads and diapers, a few other fun facts and a little of my life rolled in.

I have a ton of topics I want to cover and have yet to post.  I am a mama first, our family adventures come next, this blog the very last and at times not even on the radar.  I don't know how moms out there do it!  I have decided that they make blogging their job.  They must have kids in school and time set aside where they go to "work" writing, finding advertisers and then spamming my Facebook news feed with all kinds of crazy links which then lead to drama filled comments from crazy mean moms, but that is another post (at least I hope their kids are at school or they have great sleepers or do they even sleep). For me that defeats the purpose of being a stay at home mom.  Being here with my kids, keeping up with the daily household maintenance and keeping this ship running smoothly is my job.

After a lot of thinking and wondering if I should just stop the whole blogging thing, seeing how mama's are out there are behaving, I have decided that we should instead support one another with happy comments, great book ideas, fun things we have tried or learned.  I will occasionally write a post on mama/baby things when I have time, answer any questions women may have and offer support when ever I can.  But I will not spam your news feed, post everyday, or waste my time with mamas that want to be mean and non supportive towards other moms.

My hope is to help, support, make you feel like the amazing goddesses that you are!
Hope you all are well and enjoying this great summer weather we are having...


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